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Kakaonun Faydaları

4000 yıldır seremoniyel olarak kullanılan ham kakaonun insana enerji ve güç verdiÄŸi, aynı zamanda da mutlu ettiÄŸi ifade edilmekte.


*Polifenoller bakımından zengin olan kakao aynı zamanda çok zengin bir antioksidan kaynağıdır.

*Bağışıklığı güçlendirir. Cilt ve diÅŸlere faydalıdır. 

*Mutluluktan sorumlu üç hormonun: Dopamin, Anandamid ve Seretonin’in üretimini ve salınımını saÄŸlıyor, bu da kendimizi sakin, pozitif ve mutlu hissetmemize sebep olur.

*Seratonin rahatlama ile bağlantılı olarak daha iyi ve kaliteli uyku sağlar.

*Anti-inflamatuar (iltihap giderme) özelliÄŸine sahiptir.

*Ä°çeriÄŸindeki teobromin ve teofilin astım hastalığının semptomlarını iyileÅŸtirmede yardımcıdır.

*Flovanoidler bakımından zengindir. Flovanoidler kanda bulunan nitrik oksit seviyesini yükselterek kan basıncını düÅŸürür, kötü kollestrolü düÅŸürür.

*Bağırsak emilimini arttırır.

*Çok zengin bir magnezyum deposudur.

*Anti diyabetik. Karbonhidrat emilimini yavaÅŸlatıyor, insülin salgılanmasını geliÅŸtiriyor, ÅŸekeri dengeler. Tip 2 diyabet semptomplarını iyileÅŸtirir.

*Kan damarlarının iÅŸlevini ve kan dolaşımını arttırır, bu da beyinde odaklanmayı arttırır, nöron üretimini destekler. Bu sebeple Alzheimera karşı iyi bir besin kaynağıdır. 

*Teobramin vücuda enerji verir ve bu enerji kahve gibi geçici deÄŸil, süreklidir.

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WhatsApp Image 2023-06-23 at 14.18.22.jpeg



Embrace the Versatility of Ceremonial Cacao: Beyond Traditional Use


Our ceremonial cacao isn't just for ceremonies! Discover its wonders in your daily life too. You can replace it with coffee or add it to smoothies, cereal, and other delightful treats. Experience the natural healing, mood-enhancing effects, and heightened focus it offers. Elevate your well-being and creativity with every sip. Join us on this journey of self-discovery with our premium ceremonial cacao!"




(Please read the dose recommendation below: Consult your specialist/doctor

in case of pregnancy or severe heart conditions, migraine, if you are using antidepressant.)


*30-42 gr ceremonial cacao* 

180-200-250ml hot water

- if you want a lighter taste 250ml is possible too, you will find your favourite dose in time.

- not boiling, as it may alter the flavour and properties of cacao.

- Pinch of salt to open the taste of cacao.


*(If you have caffeine sensitivity, you can use it between 25 to 30, you will arrange

and find your own dose, for example, 27 gr cacao 160 ml water)


Mindfully chop the cacao into small pieces. Heat the water in a pan and gradually pour the freshly chopped cacao into the hot water (not boiling, as it may alter the flavour and properties of cacao); stir with a whisk or a milk frother until completely dissolved and melted. 


Pour it into your favourite cup, set your intention, sit back and enjoy your inner journey with Cacao.


RECIPE for 1 person DAILY USE

15 gr. ceremonial cacao

150ml/180ml/200ml hot water or plant milk (almond, oat, rice, coconut or hazelnut)

(Arrange the amount of water or plant milk according to the thickness and bitterness you like)

Pinch of salt to open the taste of cacao


Mindfully chop 15 gr. of cacao into small pieces. Heat the water or, if you prefer,

use a plant-based milk of your choice.


Gradually pour the freshly chopped cacao into the hot water (not boiling, as it may alter

the flavour and properties of cacao); stir with a whisk or a milk frother until completely dissolved and melted. The traditional drink is bitter, but, you can add natural sweetener. (Maple syrup, agave, coconut blossom sugar.)


For additional functional benefits, you can enhance the beverage with medicinal herbs and spices such as cinnamon, cardamom, cayenne pepper, vanilla, turmeric, and ginger.


Pour it into your favourite cup, set your intention, and enjoy your inner journey with Cacao.


PS: I drink cacao every day in the morning or around noon. As I am caffeine sensitive, I personally use 9 - 12 gr cacao, 150 -200ml plant milk daily. So you will find your favourite daily dose of cacao with your favourite thickness amount of water or plant milk by experimenting and can do it differently according to your mood and taste. 



1 or 2 dates 

Chopped ceremonial cacao

Pomegranate seeds

Pinch of cinnamon


Cut the dates in half remove the pits

Chop the ceremonial cacao and pour just the amount to fill in the centre of the half-dates

Add a pinch of cinnamon

Sprinkle pomegranate seeds



Some people claim that there is a specific "ceremonial" dose of 42 g per person. (However, you can arrange the dose according to your caffeine sensitivity / your health; between 25 - 42 g). If you are preparing a ceremonial dose please consult with your cacao facilitator and/or doctor. Do not consume coffee 24 hours before and during the day you consume the ceremonial dose of cacao.


For daily and continuous use, it is more appropriate to consume around 2-20 g at most. 


Pure cacao paste is a highly energizing food, so it should be consumed with awareness and caution, avoiding excessive intake, and maintaining a varied and balanced diet.


Consult your specialist/doctor in case of pregnancy or heart conditions, migraine, if you are using antidepressants.


The stimulating and energizing effects of cacao typically manifest about half an hour after consumption. We recommend drinking a glass of water before and after to aid absorption and digestion.


Enjoy the cacao bliss!


With Love & Harmony, 


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WhatsApp Image 2023-11-08 at 12.45.42.jpeg
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